
How to add GloriaJS to your projects

Add GloriaJS by installing the package from npm.

npm install gloriajs

Add the following scripts to your package.json:

    "local-server": "npx -y http-server build",
    "copy": "./node_modules/gloriajs/bin/gloria copy",
    "css:tailwind": "./node_modules/gloriajs/bin/gloria css:tailwind",
    "build": "./node_modules/gloriajs/bin/gloria build"

Local installation

To run gloria locally, for example for development and testing purposes, clone the repo in the parent folder and add the following to your package.json scripts:

    "gloria-local": "../gloria/bin/gloria",

And run commands passing arguments with -- like:

npm run gloria-local -- setup

Configuration files

Run the setup command to generate default configuration files and the default folder structure.

npm run gloria -- setup

Checkout the configuration documentation for more information.

Folder Structure

Create the following folders to start adding your files:


Next steps